Are you NEEDING motivation and DRIVE to reach your goals? I'm here to help!!! 

Is your past trauma and life experiences limiting you from moving in the direction you want? This course will help you get UNSTUCK! 

Tired of people pleasing and doing for EVERYONE ELSE but not for yourself? It's time for YOU to reach the goals YOU'VE had for so long that you haven't been able to reach!

Do you desperately want to LIKE the reflection you see when you look in the mirror? I've got your hand and I'm going to HELP you get there! It's time to stop hating on yourself and FINALLY be able to embrace and enjoy the unique YOU! It's time to feel CONFIDENT everywhere you go.

Do you want any of this? DISCOVERY is going to make it all POSSIBLE!!!

Tiffany G. says, "Discovery is the tool you need to find success in everyday living. Corinne intertwines life experiences with step by step exercises to help you discover the root to what may hinder your current successes. She understands that personal development takes time and support... If you are looking to win in new areas and perfect others, Discovery is the course for you."

Dan G. says, “Discovery is a valuable course. Corinne is very authentic. She teaches from her heart and really cares for her listeners. She speaks from experience, not conjecture..."

Corinne Guido-Powell

Hi! I'm Corinne, an empowerment life coach. I'll assist you in ENDING cycles you don't want to continue living in. I specialize in helping you become FREE to be all you've WANTED to be! Learning to love YOURSELF is wrapped up in inner wellness and you will naturally discover a love for LIFE.

Initially I will ask about your childhood in order to help me have a better understanding of YOUR life experiences. I find this to be ONE of the ways I most effectively can help individuals in their present situation. Because I CUSTOMIZE my approach with each client, I can STILL assist you if you do NOT want to re-visit experiences.

I share my own life story as I journey WITH you. Come and BE EMPOWERED. Let me be a fan of YOURS!

In addition to my love for coaching, I enjoy doing life with my husband and 3 kids!

If you'd like to further explore my coaching website click here.


Me and my kids

Having fun at the park!

Me and my husband

This man right here is amazing! I'm so glad we get to do life together.